KAI 4 Enquiry Management
Many law firms struggle to respond in a timely fashion to their incoming enquiries. Enquiries can come into a firm via their web site, email, post or in person ad each one has to be routed to the correct team / person to follow up on. This is a time consuming process and usually the person responsible for following up the enquiry is too busy or out of the office and many enquires fail to be converted into chargeable work.
KAI addresses this problem by intercepting each incoming enquiry and by intelligently asking questions and collecting data triages the enquiry to determine whether this is a case the law firm would like to act on. If the enquiry is something the law firm would like to pursue, KAI will then take the enquirer through the onboarding process and create a case in the firms’ core systems.
KAI ensures that every enquiry is acted upon and if possible, converted to a chargeable case. It only takes a very small improvement in a firm’s ability to convert enquires into work to have a significant impact on the firm’s revenue.

KAI 4 Onboarding
KAI automates and streamlines client onboarding, reducing time, effort, and cost while ensuring compliance.

KAI 4 Risk
KAI streamlines risk assessments by gathering and updating information, intelligently scoring risk levels, and alerting management to high-risk cases, ensuring compliance and efficiency.