KAI 4 Onboarding
Onboarding a new client or file in most firms is a time consuming process and one that distracts Fee Earners away from carrying out chargeable activities. Onboarding usually involves checking, retrieving and adding the same data into multiple system, sending emails around the firm asking for additional information and having to remember to follow up on things like client care letters, AML checks, etc.
KAI addresses this issue by managing the whole onboarding process from enquiry through to case creation. KAI communicates both internally with the Fee Earner and externally with the prospective client to ask and gather information in a natural conversational fashion. KAI checks internal systems for conflicts and passes out information to AML and KYC providers and monitors the response. If KAI thinks the process is not following the normal route or has a question it will pause the process and ask the Fee Earner for confirmation before continuing.
KAI ensures that every onboarding is completed in a compliant, cost-effective and efficient way reducing the time, effort and cost of a firms onboarding process.

KAI 4 Risk
KAI streamlines risk assessments by gathering and updating information, intelligently scoring risk levels, and alerting management to high-risk cases, ensuring compliance and efficiency.

KAI 4 Enquiries
KAI intelligently intercepts and triages incoming enquiries, ensuring they are acted upon and converted into chargeable cases.